Language: Haskell Author: Jon Fairbairn ( main = putStr (quine q) quine s = s ++ show s q = "main = putStr (quine q)\nquine s = s ++ show s\nq = " Author: Andrew Mitchell --Hi there all, this is a quine for hugs by Andrew Mitchell --just run with the command quines a1 z zz = [zz] ++ e ++ init (init (concat [x:c|x <- z])) a2 = unlines ([((f!!z):[]) ++ e ++ t ++ (m!!z) ++ t | z <- [0..15]] ++ [[yf!!(2*z)]++[yf!!(2*z+1)] ++ e ++ t ++ (ym!!z) ++ t | z <- [0..11]]) b = "a1 z zz = [zz] ++ e ++ init (init (concat [x:c|x <- z]))" c = "++" d = "quine" e = " = " f = "bcdefghijklnopwx" g = "a2 = unlines ([((f!!z):[]) ++ e ++ t ++ (m!!z) ++ t | z <- [0..15]] ++ [[yf!!(2*z)]++[yf!!(2*z+1)] ++ e ++ t ++ (ym!!z) ++ t | z <- [0..11]])" h = "t" i = "u" j = "v" k = "n" l = "h++e++t++v++t++t" n = "i++e++t++v++k++t" o = "j++e++t++v++v++t" p = "quines = putStr (unlines ([yj] ++ [yk] ++ [b] ++ [g] ++ [a2] ++ [q] ++ [r] ++ [s] ++ [a1 ya (head yd)] ++ [a1 yb (head ye)] ++ [a1 yc (head yg)] ++ [yh] ++ [yi] ++ [p]))" w = "[" x = "]" ya = "hetvtt" yb = "ietvkt" yc = "jetvvt" yd = "q" ye = "r" yf = "yaybycydyeyfygyhyiyjykyl" yg = "s" yh = "ym = [ya,yb,yc,yd,ye,yf,yg,yh,yi,yj,yk,yl]" yi = "m = [b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,n,o,p,w,x]" yj = "--Hi there all, this is a quine for hugs by Andrew Mitchell" yk = "--just run with the command quines" yl = "" t = "\"" u = "\n" v = "\\" q = h++e++t++v++t++t r = i++e++t++v++k++t s = j++e++t++v++v++t ym = [ya,yb,yc,yd,ye,yf,yg,yh,yi,yj,yk,yl] m = [b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,n,o,p,w,x] quines = putStr (unlines ([yj] ++ [yk] ++ [b] ++ [g] ++ [a2] ++ [q] ++ [r] ++ [s] ++ [a1 ya (head yd)] ++ [a1 yb (head ye)] ++ [a1 yc (head yg)] ++ [yh] ++ [yi] ++ [p]))